jueves, 18 de marzo de 2010


The color of hunger. Hunger may not have and actual color, but we give "hunger" the ciolor baserd on the emotions and thoughts taht come when Hungry.

To me, hunger is white.White is everything and nothing at the same time. A white room may seem more empty than a black room. Our body is like a house where we store evrythings. there is a room for memories, one for feelings, one for thoughts and one for loneliness, one for physicall exaustment one for food. If the room of food is empty, we become hungry. The color of this room is white. when a white room is lighted there are no different shapes of different refellctions. White, is to be said, the color of life.White is the blending of all colors and is comnsiedered a color.
Light appears colorless or white. Sunlight is white light that is composed of all the colors of the spectrum. A rainbow is proof. You can't see the colors of sunlight except when atmospheric conditions bend the light rays and create a rainbow. You can also use a prism to demonstrate this. The sum of all the colors of light add up to whie.
When youa re hungey you feel physically complete but there is something missing.

White is also the color of hunger because there is energy missing even though there is light and yiu look kinda alive you're internally diying. When you eat you'll feel like a rainbow. The food for the examople above is like the weather condition, the light andc energy are there qand when you combine both it forms a rainbow. The only difference is taht a rainvbow is a visual effect of the prisma colors. Even though we can't label hunger with the color white. We can imagine fromt he feelings we get that if we had to give it a color it would be like white. It is also a color that never satisfiys you there is always somthing missing. There s alwyas the contrast with another color with whiite to make you really like and be able to appricite white. Hunger is a horriblw things and must of us ignore it because we son't have to deal with it , but still we have the guts to say ND OWN THINGS. wE SAY WE OWN THE WORLD. we don't own the world. And think about this, we say OUR WORLD. there ishn't a paper that says this is your world. The worst aprt is tht we say is ours bu we are trashing it. W e never takle the time to appriciate it. We never take yhe time to look art hunger, poor people, death, trash, destrcution of life. We and only us are the responsible for this. Also whoite is thwe color of peace. When we are hungryu we are pwacful with the environment becvause when we manage to get food we learbn tio aprriciate every bit of it.
(bold part from this website ... http://www.colormatters.com/vis_bk_white.html )

martes, 16 de marzo de 2010


8th Grade RotoBall from mistermark on Vimeo.

The last project we've done is ROTOBALL.My project was about a girl(me) who is playing under the ocean ands suddenly a ball comes in. Then she garbs the ball and she appears in a prairie and the ball turns into a flower . After the flower gorws very tall and disappears. Next, she is wondering where the ball is . Suddenly the ball re-appears and the girl transforms it into a dove and it flys away.To do it it was very easy because irt was our second project in macromedia. The problem was that sometiomes I forgot to do another layer and the symbols wouldn;t work. It was tiering and boring tracing the girl in EVERY little frame. When i was doing it I thought of another idea if I had to do another projext. I guess this timne I would like to make it but with another person. Also it would be really cool to make it that the girl is the one that tramnsforms.The prjects are really cool and i've seen a professional one in TV. Doing thius project was a challenge because you had to make your own idea of what you wanted it to be. Also it was really hard to do every detail of the girl. Sometimes i messed up and had to erease a whole frame. I learned many things thati will the again use later. We should do one but with more people in it. And make it more intwresting. Also this would be a coold projecrt for another project in any othe class. I guess peopel did what they were feeling and teh things they like,. They use the things the ball becamne to as symbols of who they are re or how they arw actually feeling. This project is really interesting and I hope we work on it again.

jueves, 11 de marzo de 2010


The video overpassed my expectation. Everybody used a lot of their imaginationa nd time to put it togetehr,. I was astyonished when i watched them all. I want to congartulate al but specially rodrigo and mr mark for editong the video. I wish we all had a great time and learned a lot. I am impress of how good it is and how good it looks because it was our first project of rotoball. The group is a verty imaguinative and fun group all the project were good because they are all different.

lunes, 8 de marzo de 2010


The last project we've done is ROTOBALL.My project was about a girl(me) who is playing under the ocean ands suddenly a ball comes in. Then she garbs the ball and she appears in a prairie and the ball turns into a flower . After the flower gorws very tall and disappears. Next, she is wondering where the ball is . Suddenly the ball re-appears and the girl transforms it into a dove and it flys away.To do it it was very easy because irt was our second project in macromedia. The problem was that sometiomes I forgot to do another layer and the symbols wouldn;t work. It was tiering and boring tracing the girl in EVERY little frame. When i was doing it I thought of another idea if I had to do another projext. I guess this timne I would like to make it but with another person. Also it would be really cool to make it that the girl is the one that tramnsforms.The prjects are really cool and i've seen a professional one in TV. Doing thius project was a challenge because you had to make your own idea of what you wanted it to be. Also it was really hard to do every detail of the girl. Sometimes i messed up and had to erease a whole frame. I learned many things thati will the again use later. We should do one but with more people in it. And make it more intwresting. Also this would be a coold projecrt for another project in any othe class. I guess peopel did what they were feeling and teh things they like,. They use the things the ball becamne to as symbols of who they are re or how they arw actually feeling. This project is really interesting and I hope we work on it again.