The last project was to do a PSA for grade 8 about drugs, sex, alcohol,internet saftey and eating dissorders.The video I did was about ALCHOL and how it affects you and others. My partner was Jade,and we worked very good together. Our first ideas were very different from the outcome. We couldn't finish our first idea because we had some complications, but we came up with another one that workerd quite well. The hardesrt part of the making of the video is finding a good idea and then being able to represent it. To make the video we first made a G DOC powerpoint so that we could follow up a guide while making hte video. Also this way we could ddivide the time and see which scenes needed to be longer or shorter.The planning is key to makinga good video because if you don;t plan anything then it's really hard for youa s a producer/director to do the scenes in order adn have everything you need.
If i could change my video probably I would make more scenes of how it affects you. Those are the last scenes but it's hard to show how it affects your brain, liver, heart and body. Also I would take the scenes with a better quality. Another thing i would change are the party scenes I would do it better and not so blurry although they helped with the theme( being drunk). The whole poribn of yhr video is top show how drinking may be fun but it can hurt your and others.The link to the video is
here,(click ). There are many details I would change probably the text in the scenes should be stronger, as well as some of the scenes, this way the could have more impact on the audience. Maybe if I used someone else that people didn;t know they woudl take the video more seriously.
There are not so many good videos. The good ones are the ones who you can see that they planned them out and took their time. A great example is Raul and Mahonry. They had a great vieo of SAFE SEX. They had a great video with really good shots and really intresting ideas planted. I really liked the message at the end. The video has great quality. It's clear and there isn;t much talking which is boring sometimes. Also I liked Fernanda Corzo's they did a good video because their dialogues were clear and the acting was good. Althouigh Raul'
s is better they did a great job. Also I loved the music which really captueres your attention. Both of these videos are "stories" which is something that I find very intresting. Courtney's and Hope's was also very good the shots and their story was funny and creative. I liked the slide shot it really helps to relate the video with the title which was "MARIHUANA". Mostly these were the only ones I really liked beacuse they put effort into it.