domingo, 25 de abril de 2010


Water pollution, is more than the death of fish, dolphins,coral reefs, and turtles, it's the end of the world. Some people think that humans could exist even if there wasn't animal meat around. Well that theorie is actually true. Human's physiology is made similar to an animal who's vegetarian. We have,nails to peel off the fruits, long hands to reach odd from trees, we are erected so that we can reach our food also. Our internal organs are not made to process meat.So if we could live without meat, we could live of only fruits and vegetables,grains, and water. But what if we run of water? Nothing in the world can function without water.Fruits grow from trees who depend on a water source, plats from which grains grow use water to grow .Humans need water to grow and have energy. We all know those things but we still let people with money and factories contaminate our only resource that keeps us alive. It's been proven that you can live 40 - 50 days or 5 weeks, you can't live without water for more than 3 days. If water is so important what are we doing to save it?

We use water for almost everything. Drinking, irrigation,shower, cleaning are only a few of it's uses. Humans are aware of this but still they don't belie it. They all think that water is infinite but it isn't and it;s time for them to realize that. Not only humans use water, also animals. Animals need water in order to survive. Fish need water as humans air. Water for fish it's not only their habitat but their ecosystem, their environment and their live is in the water. To keep flowers alive and pretty in our homes we give them enough water for it to survive. IF we don;t give our planet enough water to sustain ecosystems then all the natural balance will be broken nd Earth could not eb longer be maintained "pretty and green".

This is not the first time people realize this. There had been many public campaigns, government advice, and the information about it has been given in school, TV shows, news, work, and homes. Parents always say they want the best for their children and they pay private schools and buy them cloths and travel the world, but they never think that if tehy keep polluting the world all of those things that they've given and taught their kids will be for nothing, because their kids won;t have water from which they can survie. There is people who believe that World War 3 will not be over land, or oil, it will be over water. There's going to be a point in life where water will be a non renewable resource.Some things we all give for granted but water pollution is killing us slowly, a slowly painful death.

Jungles and forests are also in danger of becomes deserts because water has been miss-handed and polluted. Factories' chemical wate flows out into near streams which will become branches of an important river. Every body of water is connected to another one way or another, so if you throw a ball in a river, it an either end up in the ocean on the other side of the world or in a lake near by.Chemicals in the water harm everything, soil for farmers, animals,humans, fauna and flora... everything. The worst of all is that we are all ignoring this problem and letting the other take care of it because we don't have time, but as Postal Service said in the song "Do you realize?" "Time is just an illusion caused by the world spinning around. "If we all took only a minute to make a change, we would ALL be benefited. It takes only one minute to turn off the water in your show while you are washing your haircut takes one minute to turn off the water as you brush your teeth. Even taking 5 mn showers instead of 30 mn showers. Every little effort helps .If you want a change don't wait for the other one, do it your self.

As you can see, water is here now, but it won;t be fot long if we don;t take care of it. Of we keep letting the government not push to the limits laws for water protection then the human race will be extinct in a few centuries or even decades. People have become greedy and selfish. They would do anything that takes to get money and to become rich and famous. People pollutes water and kills entire ecosystem just for money. The Canadian Cree tribe of Indians say "Only when the last tree cut down,the last river poisoned, the last fish is caught,people will realize that we can't eat money."

7 comentarios:

  1. Debo: I agree with you in so many ways. Water really is important to not only humans, but also to all animals. Even though we can live without animal meat, our diet really wouldn't be complete without the protein. Water, in my opinion, is the source of life. Without it, we wouldnt live for that long, specially if we live in hot climate places. In conclusion, I really liked your essay and it is very well done.

  2. I agree with you greatly, water is a huge resource for all species and humans. There is no way we could survive without water even if we tried. So how about we start to change now. Many people also chose to talk about water pollution, and I am very glad to see that many people share this concern over the earth. Even if people think we could survive on rainwater, the air is also being polluted, so we have no choice but to cooperate.

  3. Debo: I really agree with you. Water pollution is a terrible environmental issue. We really need to do something before its too late. We have to remeber that water is LIFE and if we keep wasting it, and just polluting it we are not going to have any more. I like all your points! Great essay Mapaassshh.

  4. I agree 100% with what you said. I am amazed with all the information you put in your essay. We could not survive with water, its just imposible. I really liked that you put a lot of challenging word in this homework, great job! Your essay is very well done. I really enjoyed reading it, and I hope you put this much information and effort in all your homework's. I hope all the people help us to get water pollution out of our earth.

  5. Debo even dough you chose a common and mainly used topic I really thought you did a great job. Your essay is different from others. It has another type of description. You did a really good job on spelling and grammar. I really enjoyed reading it and I think that the issue you chose fits well with the description you made.


  6. Debo, I like the fact that you and I think the same way :) You are totaly right, not only humans need water, but also the animals. Trees griw from water, and most of the fruit we have are grown in trees. ALso in the ground, but the point is that they need water in order to live, and us to eat them. The fact you said about us, humans, surviving of only fruits and veggies is really interesting. You have really good ideas always, and I love the way you say EVERYTHING you think without doubts. Really good essay Debo! Congratulations(:

  7. First to start, Wow Debo. You did an outstanding essay, with all the elements and all the stuff that Miss Fenton says. Also you had great spelling and grammar. Now going to the body, you are correct water is an essential element for life. Everything need water to survive. So of course it is important to take care of it, is essential and we would need for the future. Since last year we can see people struggling for the water, take Mexico City for example. All my family from my dad's side lives there and they say that the water coast has almost gone up twice and very common they do cut backs on the water supply. We should start very soon to take care of the water, before we are like our fellow mexicans in the capital.

    Great Job, Paco
